Saturday, February 26, 2011

Still February

Only a few more days to go and we are headed for the finish line. Old man winter needs to start packing NOW! Feels a lot like waiting for Christmas. I have heard that Spring is showing it's early delights, peeking out, here and there south of here. I can not see it under the piles of snow. Maybe it is a good day to start spring cleaning, I will not want to do later and miss the warm, sunny days to come... Soon, I hope.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stormy Weather

I painted this with the calm that comes from a solitary walk on the beach. Is there a better relaxation technique than the sound of a pounding surf? The water is warm, the breeze is balmy, but strong. Reconnect with your soul. My favorite type of day.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Catch the wind

Change is in motion. I can feel it, almost touch it. Never easy, it will not happen by being still. Choices, the small ones we make everyday set the forward motion of our lives. I will make the choices to move life forward. I choose to be happy.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

An apple a day

I painted this lonely gala apple as part of the Daily Painters weekly challenge. The challenge was to spend only 10 minutes on each and quit. It turned out to a a great exercise in loose brushstrokes, and a lot of fun.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

A day to remind us of the people who hold a special place in our hearts. I painted these flowers from a thoughtful gift from someone who?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday dinner

Sunday dinner, lemon chicken and asparagus.... Probably pizza. Sunday smiles of days gone by, and hopes for Sunday memories to come.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Red pepper

February the month of red.... Valentines and hearts. Red, the color, is destined to evoke excitement, passion. I will be excited when Spring starts peeking through.
Also, my son's favorite color.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hawaiian eyes are watching you...

On another bitter cold morning, wishing I was somewhere warm, balmy. Just want to feel sunlight on face. My son took a photo of this little guy on his balcony while on a work holiday in Hawaii. So colorful I just had to paint him.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


February is such a cold and dismal month. Today is a bitter sweet day, flowers to lift my spirits.
Weary of weather, hoping and longing for better days ahead.